Fundraising All Year Long

June 29, 2020 |Joseph Padilla

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Don’t rely on weekly tithes and offerings alone.


If you’re like most church leaders, you probably only think about fundraising when there’s a major building project or significant one-time financial need on the horizon. Aside from special capital campaigns, your church likely relies on weekly tithes and offerings for your funding. While the weekly gifts from your congregation can be sufficient to keep the church running, there are other giving opportunities—beyond the offering plate—that can drastically increase your church’s incoming donations all year long.

By putting a planned giving program in place, your church can essentially “fundraise” 365 days a year without running a capital campaign or soliciting individual donations. Today, the average American has about 90 percent of their assets in non-cash resources like real estate, retirement accounts, and stocks. While your members can’t put those assets in the offering plate today, they can easily give all or a portion of them to your church through a planned gift.

Orchard Alliance can help you establish a planned giving program with a simple step-by-step plan to help your church members understand how they can donate more than cash—through tools like charitable gift annuities, donor advised funds, charitable trusts, and estate planning. Once your congregation learns about the many ways they can minimize their taxes and maximize their giving to the Kingdom, they’ll be well on their way to giving more than they ever thought possible.

Starting a planned giving program can seem intimidating, but you don’t have to be an expert to do it.

For more than 60 years, Orchard Alliance has been the trusted provider of planned giving services for churches, individual donors, and families. Our experienced team of gift and estate design consultants will work with your members to develop the best plan of stewardship from a prayerful and biblical perspective. Once a plan is determined, our knowledgeable back office support staff will handle all the details to get the plan implemented. It’s that easy!

By partnering with Orchard Alliance, you can get your planned giving program quickly up and running and start receiving these types of gifts right away. Let us do the heavy lifting for you—it’s what we do best. As you start reaping the benefits of planned giving, you can focus on what you do best—ministering to your community.

Call 719.268.7202 or email to get started.

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