Out of Enemy Hands
November 15, 2023 |Orchard Alliance
Before entering their now-owned property, members of the church and district met together to pray over the building and consecrate it to the Lord. Since then, the church has been busy renovating the structure into a space that will facilitate and promote gospel-centered instruction and worship where cultic instruction and worship once thrived.
Like most churches in the New Jersey area, Vietnamese Alliance Church in Lyndhurst saw an attendance decrease when COVID arrived in 2020. But the Lord was gracious, and they not only survived that period but ultimately saw an increase in attendance as well as spiritual growth among the body. The church has a strong prayer life with several prayer meetings each week.
That purchase opportunity fell through, but they soon found another building that would also meet their needs: a Buddhist temple. The first time the elders entered the building, they were surprised to see idols so openly displayed.
In need of their own building, the church inquired about loan funding for a facility they had found. That purchase opportunity fell through, but they soon found another building that would also meet their needs: a Buddhist temple. The first time the elders entered the building, they were surprised to see idols so openly displayed. They immediately prayed over the situation, and the Spirit entered the building, prompting them to pursue the structure and giving them peace about doing so. Shortly thereafter, they secured funding and a contract to purchase. Closing went quickly, and soon the property was theirs.
From the day they closed on the purchase until after they first occupied the building, the Enemy’s attacks against this body were clear: unexpected illnesses, a car accident, and several mishaps. But the congregation remained strong, and the Lord prevailed.
While the church has been physically renovating the building, God has been spiritually renovating the church. Some members who previously left due to internal conflict have returned and been reconciled. United and working together as a body of loving believers, people don’t want to leave after the service. Attendance, giving, excitement, and joy are all up. Young people who previously weren’t motivated to attend now look forward to corporate gatherings. And a building once used to honor a false god and a false way of life is now a place where the truth and love of Christ shine bright.
Orchard Alliance was blessed to partner with these Alliance churches to pay the price necessary to redeem buildings that had once been Enemy strongholds. Today they are places where believers gather to exalt the One who paid the price necessary to deliver us from sin and death.