May 16, 2022
Most of us have “regifted” a present we’ve received to someone else. While regifting is sometimes joked about, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing assuming it was given to us by a good-hearted soul and was, in-turn, regifted in a caring way.
Wikipedia defines regifting as, “taking a gift that has been received and giving it to someone else, sometimes in the guise of a new gift.” When it comes down to it, all that we give is actually regifted, and we ought not act as if it is a new gift from us. 1 Corinthians 4:7 says, “What do you have that you have not received?” Biblical commentator, Matthew Henry, further explains this verse as, “all that we have, or are, or do, that is good, is owing to the free and rich grace of God.”
When it comes down to it, all that we give is actually regifted, and we ought not act as if it is a new gift from us.
Some time ago, there was an episode on a TV comedy where one character gets offended when she sees a present that she had given someone be regifted to her friend. The friend says that maybe the regifter meant it as an “homage” or tribute. That’s actually not a bad way to look at regifting. An homage is defined as, “something that shows respect or attests to the worth or influence of another.”
So let our giving be an homage to God. We give because He gives, and we desire to honor Him—never pretending that what we give was ever ours. And our regifting isn’t limited to money, we can also regift the forgiveness, grace, truth, love, joy, and peace that God has freely given to us!
Larry McCooey
Orchard Alliance