A Message from the President

Ministry Highlight: First Haitian Evangelical Church

Hatian Family


When nearly 10,000 Haitian immigrants arrived in Springfield, Ohio, over the past 6 years, they faced significant challenges. Like many other emigrant populations fleeing adversity in their homeland and seeking asylum here in the States, these families faced a severely . . .

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From the Board Chairman

As I look back over the last 25 years of serving on the board for Orchard Alliance, I am grateful to have been surrounded by people who have used their God-given gifts to serve others. The Lord has brought people with amazing gifts, experience, wisdom, and perspectives to Orchard Alliance, and it has been a blessing to see them use these various talents for Kingdom purposes.

In 2023, we saw our new president, Scott Kubie, settle into his role and bring his unique skills and ideas to the table. Under his leadership, and with your faithful participation, Orchard Alliance accomplished much for the Kingdom in 2023. Your investments provided over $24 million in funding to Alliance churches and ministries. Your tax-wise giving supplied more than $11 million in grants and donations to Alliance churches, ministries, Christian organizations, and charities. Because of your gifts of generosity, significant Kingdom impacts have been made locally and around the world. Thank you.

I am grateful for the opportunity to serve on the board for the past 25 years. During this time, I’ve seen the board grow and evolve and refine the vision and focus of Orchard Alliance, a vision that I believe is becoming clearer. I’m excited for the next chapter and to see God move in mighty ways in and through Orchard Alliance.

It is an honor to serve alongside you as we all use our gifts to serve the Kingdom together.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. I Peter 4:10 (NIV)

– David J. Zollner, Chairman, Board of Directors

2023 Financial Overview

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Investments Used to Fund Ministry Loans

Over twenty-four hundred Alliance investors had accounts worth more than 250 million dollars


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Planned Giving and Charitable Distributions to Ministry

Charitable accounts represented nearly 125 million dollars in 2023



“The thing I loved the most was how every person prayed with me before and after every phone call. Your team made the loan process easy, and I felt the Lord’s leading on everything that was done, and I can’t thank you enough.”

–Deb Lakis, Fairlawn Community Church  |  Church Loan

“We were of the opinion that we were in good shape with our having a trust we crafted some time ago.  But, thanks to Cameron, we have reviewed what we had crafted in the past, from a biblical perspective and discussed ways to pass on inheritance biblically.”

–Michael and Janet Carle  |  Gift & Estate Design

“God’s grace motivates us to share – to sell our inherited land and give most of the money to the work of the Alliance. God is a giver – every good and perfect gift comes from Him. God knows what we need. He has taken care of us all our lives, so we don’t need to keep everything that He gives us.”

–A Generous Alliance Couple

Questions about Orchard Alliance?

We’d love to hear from you.
