A Message from the President

Ministry Highlight: Harvest Downtown


HarvestDowntown is a young, urban congregation with a clear call to serve the city of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Even the church’s name is spelled without a space—HarvestDowntown—to symbolize that the church is connected to its city. Lead Pastor Kurt Trempert said, “We are deeply committed to being in and serving downtown.”

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From the Board Chairman

Throughout God’s Word, we are encouraged to remember. Among other things, we are to remember His faithfulness, His power and strength, and the work He has done. As we at Orchard Alliance look back at the past year, we are grateful for President Larry McCooey, who retired in 2022 after 25 years of faithful service to the organization. We celebrate Larry’s tenure and his dedicated leadership to the ministry of Orchard Alliance. For two and a half decades, he sought the Lord’s direction and laid a strong, stable foundation for the future.

As Larry was answering God’s calling for the next season of his personal ministry, Scott Kubie accepted the call to serve as Orchard Alliance’s new president. In Scott, God has provided a gifted and experienced new leader who is committed to using his unique talents for Kingdom purposes. Of course, our ministry-focused staff has continued to serve you every day without interruption throughout the presidential transition. Today, Orchard Alliance is well-positioned to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future. We trust that God is able to direct our steps.

Through God’s power and your continued participation, Orchard Alliance accomplished much for the Kingdom in 2022. Your investments at Orchard Alliance provided over $52 million in funding to 64 Alliance churches and ministries. Your tax-wise giving supplied over $6 million in grants and donations to Alliance churches, ministries, Christian organizations, and charities. Your generosity and commitment to biblical stewardship has made a significant Kingdom impact locally and around the world. Thank you.

Our entire board of directors is committed to exploring new ways to expand ministry through financial stewardship in the years ahead. With God’s blessing, Scott’s leadership, our staff’s dedication, and your participation, we can accomplish great things through Alliance churches, districts, and individuals—things that will be remembered for generations.

You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today. Deuteronomy 8:17-19 (NIV)

– David J. Zollner, Chairman, Board of Directors

2022 Financial Overview

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Investments Used to Fund Ministry Loans

Over twenty-seven hundred Alliance investors had accounts worth more than 246 million dollars

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Planned Giving and Charitable Distributions to Ministry

Charitable accounts represented nearly 115 million dollars in 2022


It has been incredible to bring people together on the jujitsu mat who would never normally hang out and give them a space to experience the gospel in a creative way!

–Pastor Dave Bever, Twisted Church  |  Church Loan

“We are well prepared to fulfill our mission to be an authentic community that makes Jesus fully known so others may come to fully know Him.”

–Pastor Dominic Kan, Missio Community  |  Church Loan

“We’re spending this money so a grandmother, mother, and daughter can come to church together, enter through the same door, and worship or eat in the same place.”

–Pastor Kurt Trempert & wife Terasue, Harvest Downtown  |  Church Loan

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